The Peter Principle
"In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence" COROLLARY 1- The cream rises until it sours. COROLLARY 2- For every work in this world there is someone, somewhere that is unable to perform it. If there are sufficient promotions, that person will eventually be named. COROLLARY 3- A thousand Kilometers trip ends with a simple step. COROLLARY 4- Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence. COROLLARY 5- Competence always contains the seed of incompetence. COROLLARY 6- Incompetence times incompetence equals incompetence. COROLLARY 7- When there is something worth doing, it’s worth finding someone capable to do it. COROLLARY 8- In a Hierarchy achievements are inversely proportional to the number of steps of the stairs. COROLLARY 9- The Peter Principle, just like evolution, is ruthless. COROLLARY 10- When an employee reaches his level of incompetence, inertia settles and the employer gets accommodated to it instead of replacing the employee. COROLLARY 11- Luxury brings more problems than indolence. COROLLARY 12- There’s a tendency for the top hierarchy position to perform common and easy tasks. ...And you?! Have you reached The Peter Principle in your enterprise??